
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 1834

Not too shabby.

Despite relocating/adjusting, I'm ok.

Rather than daily running The Line, doing 86th ave + weights. When I can, Spin. Physically I've never been better. Mentally? ....................

It goes on a mini rant about whomever It's caring for, how their kitchen was redone, how lovely their house is. Now let that sink in. Yes, it was a shot @ me. And again remember who, literally, rebuilt this house, and who does their level best to trash it on a daily basis. Case in point: last night, moves piles of hoarders crap to prep to do laundry...@ 11pm.......

But I'm ok.

I work my program. I have peace of mind that only comes from knowing I do my very best on a daily basis.

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