
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 1828


WAS having a good evening, Stoney on the couch w/a girl, having a nice time-a nice girl too. So far so good. Reviewing the events of the day, prepping for this morning.

Hit the sack, then...THEN...BITCH rages in.

I had the NERVE to eat from the fridge.

Now, remember, Stoney and the girl are on the couch.

Fucking amazing. You can't write this shit if you tried.

Turns on the light, knowing full well I'm trying to sleep, hot as a motherfucker, this BITCH is off the hook. And, what you wonder, is REALLY at the heart of this?

Guess who didn't qualify for Medicare? And why? Of course, It missed the cut off date for application. Typical.

Told it to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. Did It listen?

But scream, demand divorce, call your lawyer because I ate from the fridge.

Best of all, remember this was @ 11:13 pm, It tell me I need a meeting. I'm a lier, asshole, fuckin' asshole, and need a meeting.....@ 11:13pm.......because it is off Its meds.

Hope Stoney's date ended well.

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