
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, June 15, 2013

I read it!

The story of what I'm living! Especially poignant as manana's Father's Day, hence, stay the FUCK away from Toxiccunt.

The quote: "Mario Villalobos believed that by being hated he was committing the greatest act of love possible."

Wow. Between Stoney resenting my every bloodcell-he DID drink Toxiccunt's kool-aid remember, and Toxiccunt doing everything to sabotage everything, I really put myself out there in the name of doing the right thing.

No matter. This am did a race, naturally bumped into some peeps. I truly have friends everywhere. What  lovely feeling! Despite Toxiccunt.

Example: I paid how much to fix the gate? ($800). It INSISTS on using my den as chief means of egress-remember, the front door is steps from Toxiccunt's car. In addition, failing to properly close the gate. Another strong wind and.....

Really sucks, but, I lack a wood chipper.

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