
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 1099

Lil Bastard!!!!!!!

Yesterday, a good day. Pilates, Spin, Feldenkrais. Nice.

Then, this am.

Lil fuck asks for $ to hang with his peeps. Ok. Of course I respond "you owe me an apology." You KNEW this hadda happen. He gets in my face, egging me on, whatever bullshit he was spewing, I thanked him and indicated he had heightened my awareness. Of course THAT'S the last thing he wanted to hear. Only made him angrier. And my point was? YOU DON'T PUT PUSH PINS IN DRY WALL. Asshole. Turns out, in addition to acting like a TOTAL asshole, guess who put the pins in? Of course, I indicated this is the same idiot who puts nails all over our walls, littering them with thrift store shit.

You really should'a seen this asshole pushing for a fight.

Now, in the "old days," any parent worth their weight would'a decked him. Today, I'd be imprisoned.

Fucking punk.

This am, got my miles. Think  I needed it????????

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