
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 1084


Thank GOD THAT weekend's over. Can't believe how much that hurt. Between my brother's wife telling me my responsibilities ("of course you have to pay for your son's college...") Like she's printing money????? Between Sybil's friends coopting my home, between Stoney being a total jerk. Thank God it's a wrap.

Best of all, internet was on the fritz. They call Cablevision. Do they tell me when the service call will happen? No, of course not. If not for the fact that Cablevision has my # as the main contact, I'd have been in the dark. I made it a point to be there, so where does Sybil go? Of course, anywhere but home. Stoney? Went out to indulge. Amazing.

Wait, it got better!!!!! Cablevision needed access to Its closet. Can you imagine the fiasco THAT was??? What a horror. But, It got Its tan. And Stoney got his smoke on!!!!!

And me? Thank GOD for the gym!

What KILLED me: my brother's wife hasn't worked a week in her life. My bro paid for her to go to college, study nursing, then she lasted one shift. Never worked. And she has the gall to tell me my responsibilities? Why? My brother lets her think she has a right to an opinion. Wrong.

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