
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, January 7, 2012

day 895

You're welcome!

Had it been anyone else, would'a blown 'em off, but for brotherfromanothermother, couldn't.

This am's 10k was odd. usually day of race number pickup is near the start. Not today. You hadda go to the NYRR HQ to get your bib, THEN to the start for your shirt. Made no sense. Fortunately, I was there at a ridiculous hour, so I and countless other runners made the journey. 15 blocks to, 15 blocks back. Added 2+ miles to my run. And why? Brotherfromanothermother was running late. He pulled a 12 hour shift, barely made it to the race on time, so I went to hook him up. MAJOR mistake on my part. KILLED my race time, started the run with tired legs. BUT, that's what we do.

DID make a new friend on the way to NYRR. She had a 10-11 minute pace. Helped perspectivize everything.

I figured brotherfromanothermother would be first, me in the middle, Fast Eddie in the rear. Thanks to looking out for my bro, Fast Eddie passed the SHIT outta me. I was totally disheartened. Couldn't even look up my results. But hey, I finished.

Got home, Bitch RAGING that I (prepare yourself, call a lawyer) used the WRONG TOWEL when I showered. Can you imagine. Some pair of balls eh??? And you think I exaggerate?????

THEN, after leaving It's son alone all day, goes off for the evening to a "birthday dinner." Remember, Bitch's birthday was 2 months ago.


But, today I ran. Life is good.

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