
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

day 906


47 degs, no precip, I'M BAAAAACK!!!!! DAMN it felt good!

When I started, my peep told me the hardest part was getting out the door, he was right of course. Was severely tempted to sleep in, but no. After (in my mind) taking 2 days off, when in reality I hit the gym n' elliped, hadda lace 'em up. How often do you, in mid January, have the ability to run IN SHORTS????? Wow. What a great morning. Not taking chances, I DID wear gloves and a knit hat (really picked the wrong time to have my haircut, but we can't control hair growth can we?). Really lovely. And yes, the usual suspects were out. Nice.

Saturday's the Manhattan 1/2. Precip predicted. Dunno 'bout this one. HATE running in rain. Hopefully, it'll snow.

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