
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, January 29, 2012

day 917

THAT didn't exactly work out, did it?

Headed out to the Sayville 10m yesterday, forgetting what a pain in the ass it is. A typical Long Island thing is: a)streets indicated by names b)not every street has a sign. So, directions can be iffy at best. Tried 3 times to get to the race location, got SO frustrated, went back to where I belong, Alley Pond. Glad I did. Saw my people, got my miles felt good. THAT Sayville race is off the grid.

Last night, the club party. And who had the room next door? The Renegades? Too funny. Actually set a record for quickest disappearing act. Think I stayed for as long as I did for the St.Gabriel's reunion.

Brotherfromanothermother called this am, bless him. He actually saw me driving away.

Not easy being me. Would've loved to hang, but I don't eat, don't drink, don't dance, don't socialize. Not really any reason for me to be there. But these ARE my people. Show me face, then exit.

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