
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, January 2, 2012

day 890


Friggin' people don't value their jobs!!!

Woke up feeling like shit, couldn't swallow (don't go there). Tried, succeeded, knew I was getting sick, but, press on!!!

Stoney hits up First Bank of Dad, told him if he came in reeking of smoke he'd be cut off. Only time he spoke to me in 24 hours, to ask for $$$. You can tell Shebitch claimed poverty (after purchasing gifts for one and all).

Get to the job, friggin staff banged in! This is the same person who is a half time employee, WAY too needy, actually showed up for work yesterday, only to submit a time off request! THEN call in for today!!!!! Does this person not realize taxpayers are paying for their ineptitude?????? If you don't value the gig, QUIT!

So, thankfully, got my miles in today. :) Feel better, but can't tolerate this abusive behavior.

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