
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, March 1, 2008


ya' know...when you throw caution to the wind/stay the hell outta G's way, things work out.

Got up, got outta bed, didn't need to drag a comb across....headed to Runner's Edge. Decisions, decisions. Runner's Edge fun run or The Line. Raining, alternately showers/heavy, head out anyway. Get to Farmingdale, take a nap, STILL raining. Store opens, the run is on. I don't think so, had enough rain last night/earlier. So, head to AP.

Get on the Northern State, as if on cue, blue sky. Way to go G!!!

Not as many peeps as usual, don't blame 'em, but, when you got there-perfect temps-shorts-blue sky. Couldn't beat it. Did St.Francis though planned to do shorter. Nice. Very nice.

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