
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 1302

These can be tough

"Day off," meaning, can't spend more than one second around Sybil more than I have to.

So, off I go.

The Plan: get my miles, hit the gym, hang with my peeps. (Of course) rather than cook, or buy food I can eat (THIS after losing over eggs, remember?-AND then went to the movies-guess eggs weren't that big a deal), they went out to dinner. Lazy motherfucker. And yes, with disability, these are OUR tax dollars. But I need counseling. Last night, has the heat cranked to 72, when I came downstairs with a headache,. they both look @ ME like I'M nuts. Amazing. Really amazing. Gotta go, later.

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