
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 1297

so much for THAT

Was pissed Yoko's hub wasn't down for the 3 x 2's, God-again-took care. they're CANCELLED! Site can't host as they're not dug out. Good, fuck it.

Got my miles, then Spin + Conditioning class. Think I made the msot of my gym membership?

Again, looking forward to the weekend. Thrash concert friday, Dead tribute saturday. Nice.

Sybil? Moron. Insists on leaving the electric heater ( "I got us oil!!!") plugged in ALL DAY with NO ONE HOME! This from the same idiot who insists on parading thru my den rather than use the closer side door to NOT WALK the dog, rather, throw him in the backyard.


...but I need counseling..................

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