
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 1294


Little stinker is still monitoring my internet access.

What he doesn't get is, I'm monitoring HIS!

Fool actually thinks I'm accountable to him??????? GREAT parenting on Sybil's part, It sits and critiques, does nothing. No prob. Next comment he makes, internet goes.

Has zero respect.

But wait, it gets better!

He stormed outta the house because HE was listening in on a conversation I was having with his mother (like he has a right to listen in???????? THEN will accuse me of violating HIS (privacy?????? YOU'RE NOT 18, YOU HAVE NO PRIVACY). It was about his marijuana abuse. So, it's ok for him to tell his friends he was gonna beat me up (right, go for it asshole), but I can't speak with his mother. Wait til an attempt from First Bank of Dad is attempted. Not happening.

And in return, Sybil (I guarantee it) will-god forbid It cooks, buy him all the junk food he wants (munchies???) and chinese food.


*Concert yesterday: postponed. LIE was SHUT DOWN. Good, better safe......

**Gym: closed.

***Neighbor across the street came by with his snowblower to help me dig out a parking spot. God bless him. Stoney bogarted the shovel to go make a buck (did all of 1 house, but hadda give him credit), unfortunately, didn't dig out where I park. To his credit, he DID shovel the sidewalk and his mother's car. He IS a great kid, but suffers from a laissez faire mother and-frankly-being a teenager. It'd rather critique than actyually DO anything, hence, I'm the bad guy. No problem, I'm used to it. When I did I know I'll have made a difference, not insisted on being a perpetual helpless victim.

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