
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"I'm dying"

As I enter Toxichouse, It attempts to excuse Its bullshit behavior yesterday using the illness card, eventually dropping the "I'm dying" bomb. THEN, suddenly, I'm talking to a different person. I'm kind enough to say we need to turn the page, It goes off on a tear about my selfishness. I'd said, AT LEAST a card. it went off totally. Remember, it bought gifts for EVERYONE in my family except...the person who hooked the CUNT up with my family. THEN, gets me not a fucking thing for Christmas. Useless bitch.

And no, the tree isn't and never WILL be finished. Bitch didn't go to work today, day after Christmas, FUCKING tree still not done. Fuckit, no more.

Do earth a favor, die.

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