
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 1250

All was well until.....

Yesterday-thanks to the gym and my brain, was a very good day. Hit a morning spin class, an evening spin class, with a flick in the middle. Then...I made the mistake of going back to Toxichouse. Thereupon It tried to engage me in conversation about Its health. As stated previously, It first claimed diabetes, then hepatitis, now dying. So, die. do us all a favor. Not even thinking: does It even have insurance. Yet It never fails to throw in my face a cold fact I hadda present It with "we can't afford to bury you." It thinks I can print $$$, paying every fucking bill solely on my income. So, let Its friends collect the body. I won't. Also, after all that shit about my never.......I'll not set foot in a hospital. Fuck It, die.

Today, another vacation day. Gotta avoid the domicile, no prob. My usual morning run, followed by spin. Another terrific day.

Gotta stay healthy.

*and one factoid I find PARTICULARLY amusing: "you're  selfish." Love when THAT is hurled at me. Who runs a rehab???????? Rather than amass alcoholics anonymous groupies (after self medicating-remember the sleeping pills after too much coffee to process Avon orders?????), I got 26 patients and 22 staff in my care, but I'm selfish. Who led the Christmas party? What did I get in return: the joy of giving. But remember kids, I'm selfish. $800 to fix a fence the CUNT broke due to negligence, but I'm selfish-a fence that THEY wanted repaired so THEY can avoid walking the dog THEY wanted, rather, throw him in the backyard where THEY don't even pick up his shit-but critique where I put it. Oh, and since the CUNT has not a single penny taken out of Its disability checks, WHO pays the fucking tax for It????? But I'M SELFISH???

ANSD, It claims It bought his longboard!!!!!!! Scroll back a few posts to 2 years ago. I was very proud of getting him such a cool gift. Now, It actually convinced Itself (mental IS mental) that It bought the damned thing! Amazing.

Great Christmas. Fuck this crap.

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