
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 1237

Bitch IS clueless

Had a very good day. Had the house to myself, but had some running around. Yes, this included going BACK to Manhattan. I'd regged to do a race in CP, but hadda boogie because the LI race is a must do. HADDA go in to pick up my shirt. Only a runner would appreciate that. You paid your fee, gotta get the shirt. Butt ugly, though Fordham maroon, yet, hadda pay for a LIRR round trip ticket to get a fucking shirt. God help me. Nothing good playing @ my AMC, it's THAT time of year, so did a bit of cursory shopping, and back.

Stoney had previously hit on me for $$.

So, Bitch gets in, HAS to give a directive-house is a mess, no Christmas tree hasn't made room for it-ten days left, no advent wreath (nice religion teacher, but of course meets Its own Bitch need to tell ME what I SHOULD be doing: "why haven't you gotten him I(Stoney) the gym membership yet?" Now, FIRST he asked for it for CHRISTMAS. Second, is the fence THEY broke and I must pay for, paid for yet? Third, as we now exist in the land of electric heaters, has anyone chipped in on the bill? Fourth, he IS 17, GET A JOB. Nope, easier to tell ME what I should do.). Must be nice to have the luxury of being able to direct others, yet do absolutely nothing. Roll back the tape to the Pile years-remember-I was telling It, it might be better to put some $ in the bank? But no, every peep got gifted, every peeps peep got gifted, yet we had no heat. Amazing.

Fuck 'em both. Enough. Who pays every motherfucking bill? And THAT'S why I've no prob paying $800 for a Stones ticket!

Gets even better. Come back from the race this am, temps ok, every fucking heater on. Stoney runs downstairs to tell me what I need to do. Fat fucking chance. THIS after he smokes, plays computer games, and ignores the dog HE wanted. Last time the dog got walked? Last time either of those 2 even THOUGHT of picking up dogshit? And the bike? After breaking my chops to bring it in, STILL has a flat. Has $$$$$ for weed, but no $ to fix a flat. Bitch has $$$$$ for takeout (don't THINK of cooking, easier/softer way) AND $$$$$ for shopping for CRAP to litter the basement, but no $$$$$ for bills. And remember, after paying $800 to have a gate fixed THEY broke, I'm supposed to pay $57 x 12 for a gym membership? Ho ho ho.

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