
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 1246


Needy gym instructor? I, anticipating the glass half filled, expected Pilates. Nope. Good. Less baggage.

Get to the job, the person we were trying to bring in TODAY, for an interview TODAY, begs off-Christmas party. Does this person want the gig or not???????? Best of all, I came in JUST to interview this fool.


And no, Toxichouse's Christmas tree, still not decorated. Yet Stoney has the cojones to leave me a note telling ME to wash what I use. Amazing. Utterly amazing.

Thank GOD for my friends.

But WAIT, it gets better!!!!!

It finally realizes It has accumulated too much crap. I.E. with the Christmas tree, It finally dawned on It that It buys CRAP for the sake of buying CRAP. I.E. a briefcase. Inocuous thing, right? BUT, a briefcase w/a combination...that's locked...for which It lacks the digits.

Presenting problem WAS: It asked for garbage bags...to dispose of the CRAP It insists on purchasing. Actually made a comment re: 'how did this happen" when viewing Its pile of hoarder's crap.

And yet more! It asks why It is fatigued????????? Drink more Snapple, with MORE sugar...THEN crash. And wonder why you're fatigued.

Really Virginia, you canNOT make this stuff up.

ho ho.

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