
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 1253

Turning the page

Looking forward to tonight. WAS tempted to bail, Sunday was windy and freezing, but the winds have settled. Temps predicted to be actually "warm" -34- tonight. I'll take it. Doing my usual, staying over, avoiding Toxichouse at ALL costs.

And no, the tree STILL isn't finished. Bitch slept all day, went to a meeting (Work that sobriety! Buy Christmas gifts for everyone OTHER than your fucking husband, the one under the roof who pays every motherfucking bill.). Came in and attempted to pick a fight. I didn't answer, not a syllable. Can't WAIT 'til It goes back into the hospital. Hope Stoney has a metrocard.

And yes, cunt tried picking a fight this am. Has a fixation with my income, i.e. "all your money..." you'd THINK I was a millionaire. Rather, I make around 90, ALL of which goes to the bills. And this bitch harps on my "riches?" Don't congratulate me on my professional achievement, rather, reveal anger over my income-as you portray the victim, in fact, have made a life out of it.

Spin class this am, then off to nyc. Bring it on!!!!!

Ain't no one raining on my New Year's eve. Fuck 'em!

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