
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, November 28, 2011

day 855


Thank GOD the Thanksgiving weekend is over. If not for running, dunno what I'd have done.

5 races in 4 days, and every one of them therapeutic.

But...it WAS nice to get back to AP this am. 59 degs, shirt off, shorts. Yummmmm.

Hadda speed it up, Stoney home alone. Bitch out "working," meaning away from the home. Kid left unattended. Jeeeeeez. So, hadda hurry my run (actually good for a tempo run), hurry the hell home to bring him some hot breakfast. THAT I love. What SUCKS is: not a thought of gratitude, It doesn't even tell me It's away. No, I should run a facility as well as do everything on the home front. Bitch. Pure unadulterated bitch.

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