
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, November 21, 2011

day 848

another rainy day in New York City

Woke up, fully intending to get some miles, but alas, it was raining. Got to the job, raining. Headed out to pick up the papers, a break in the showers. Left the store, more rain. Ok God, I can take a hint. A rest day certainly wouldn't hurt the body, but the mind needs to run.

Gotta hit the funeral this am. Really think of them as a total waste of time, but you owe it to your peeps, a matter of respect.

And Shebitch? Came home last night. Of course, disavowed any responsibility for being m.i.a., rather, throwing it back in my lap "if you picked up your phone....." totally evading the issue of my having to change my number because It left psychotic rants.

Think I needed to run????

***AND, from the "cruel joke" department: NOW it's clearing. FUCK!!!!!!!

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