
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

day 842

squeeeeeeezed it in!!!!!

Got my run in! Surprised I did actually. Rain HAD been predicted, I was tired from being up later than usual (hadda catch up on Boardwalk Empire), so I was draggin'. BUT, still was up before the alarm, and up n' at 'em!

Might not have these conditions for much longer, so gotta jump on it while 'ya can. T shirt and shorts, barely broke a sweat. NIIIIICE!

Big day today, interview #2 for the Director's position. This is getting silly. BEEN acting as boss 1/2 of the time since I started here, BEEN Acting Director for 6 months. Beyond absurd, but hey, you gotta try.

Got my miles in, nothing else matters.

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