
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

day 844

God is good

Went to The Paramount to see Ray Davies. This would be the second concert this week, the second weeknight concert, the third concert featuring "30 years later people." A month ago, Joe Walsh @ Westbury, then Todd @ Westbury. Ray last year @ Westbury as well, but FIRST saw The Kinks @ St.John's in 1980. Wow!!!!!

So, first, The Paramount. Used to be The Imac in Huntington. They totally, I mean TOTALLY revamped it. WOW!!!!! I was in the left loge, 201. In the old Ritz, this would'a been the left balcony VIP area. Wow. Not 30 yards from the stage. QUITE the venue. Amazingly user friendly, VERY open, LOUD/yet crystal clear. Seats were chairts, so leg room was not an issue. Though, amazingly, didn't sit for a second. WOW!!!!!

So, there I am, standing, boogying, who do I literally bump into? Joel and Irene, a.k.a, former friends Shebitch turned against me (they'd ask Iwrite a letter standing up for his character when he got busted for DWI. When I said I couldn't, that getting busted for DWI = need for rehab, they hadn't spoken to me since. This went as far as their coming to my place for the annual summer party, and not saying a consonant to me).

So, how'd it go? NO PROBLEM. We hung, reconnected, had a blast! Do the math, no Shebitch = no problem.

The concert? Amazing. Opening band went on @ 7:50, thank God. THEY were Ray's backing band, since he and Dave are still not touring.

God bless Ray Davies!!!!!

This am? Didn't expect any miles but lo and behold, rain stopped!!!!!!!!! Thanks God. Don't think for a second I don't appreciate it!

***And, adding to The Aura, yesterday I was involved in an intervention. Where? 76th and 35th ave. God I LOVE Queens!!!!!

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