
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, February 8, 2009


ok, get outta the house on time, head to the boogiedownBronx.

BIG prob: NO parking @ Lehman. Ok, so far so good, it's Sunday. How bad can it be?

Well..know that bad Maine joke; "you can't get there from here?" THAT was today. Can't park @ Lehman, can't park on the streets, NYPD had signs up everywhere. FINALLY found a spot, WRONG It was in a busstop. FUCK that. Turned around, stopped to give my chip to some runners to return for me, and headed to The Line. Glad I did.

STILL a bit annoyed that people doubted my time @ the Manhattan half, so my heart wasn't in this one, AND Dave the superjew was stalking me for a lift (voicemail, AND e mail on personal and work accounts-and the fucking guy HAS A CAR!!!). THAT and parkingfromhell made for a very unpleasant morning. Did I need this shit? No. So, later for that. The Wearers of The Green did very well, all under 2 hours, props! But, glad I did my line. I was where I belonged.

AND, my schedule isn't off. Had I done the half, manana'd be an off day. Now I can resume where I left off. Good for the head.

***latest comments from Shebitch: (on the phone with It's groupie) "I really need a vacation." Said with a straight face. Tough life. Sleep till noon, bitch til 3, work 4 days.

I daily thank G for the people in my life. Each and every one has done things most cannot fathom. Pity I married the one human made of spare parts. Thank G for Keith.

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