
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

2 out of 3 ain't bad/life according to plan B

ok, if the glass is half empty: planned to do the 5k in Prospect Park today as a practice for next week's NYRR 5k. Made it to Prospect Park w/o a prob, didn't get lost, BQE was easy. THAT was the good part. Downhill from there. Never found race sign up-the K of C is apparently a well kept secret. So, later for this bullshit, cut my losses, headed back to The Parkhouse, where I belonged. Yes, Virginia, this is 2 weeks in a row where I headed back to The Line. Glad I did.

if the glass is half full: Did St.Francis, nice crowd of the peeps. Filled my soul. STILL feeling really down about the Aruba shit-Shebitch trying to pick a fight to justify it-my wishing Keith and It a pleasant trip. NOT feeding into it. Of course, It throws in my face my marathon trips-@ which point I indicate I did them @ the height of It's manicness/mentality. NOT feeding into the disease.

So, how did my soul get nourished? a)Tom called yesterday. Really helped to know he's there. Guys are like that. A nod, a grunt, n' we're cool.
b)one of my main peeps asked how I was doing. As in, really wanted to know. Magic, pure magic. Actually felt as though someone cared. I have great peeps.
c)GREAT post-run convo. I associate with some cool peeps. Thanks guys. Didn't even know it, but you were there for me. I needed it.

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