
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, February 20, 2009

pat on my back

props to me! (whoa!!! an attack of self esteem there)

Completed a full week of St.Francis. Knees a bit sore, but made a committment and stuck to it. AND, for once, a week without rain fucking everything up/forcing a rest day. NICE.

Now, if only I could be in two places @ once. Manana, the 3 x 2's, WRONG!!! Can't be there. DAMN. REALLY wanna, but gotta do the Prospect Park run. Get those Q's in.

...Speaking of which: guess what happened yesterday? Give up? ONLINE REG FOR THE BIG ONE!!! Yipeeeeeee!!! Got home, psyched, logged on and....DENIED! Now you must use your user name. Howthefuck am I supposed to remember that since last year. So, they send it to your e mail (work, ugh) and then try again. So I hadda wait 'til today. Done. Regged for '09. Cool!!!!!

***Note: Today, Manhattan Addiction Treatment Center transferred it's last patient. This is the facility I started at, was there from 1990-96, where I cut my teeth. When no one else would hire me, the state had a gig for me. Started as a grade 11-entry level-went to the top in 6 years. Where in 1995 the gang of 3-me and 2 peeps, one of which you see in the pix below-fought to keep the place open in THAT year's budget strife. Now, the staff have no balls, no fight. And of course I'm not there to motivate. In each eval since I was a kid I was told I have a "presence," or have "leadership potential," but y'know, peeps gotta handle bidness they own damn sef's. Pity. Sucks for them. Another part of my past, gone. So it goes. If THAT hadn't happened, I wouldn't have ended up @ CATC, no YMCA, no Wednesday night spin, no Pret, no salvation-you know who you are, no Alley Pond. Wow.

Keith had off this week, did It do ANYTHING with him, no. Sad.

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