
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, February 9, 2009

back on track

after the "life according to plan b, c, d" weekend, back on track.

St.Francis esta manana, mostly clear-except sheet of ice near softball field. Felt good, temps WONDERFUL.

STILL wish I'd done the Bronx 1/2, but weighed against the aggro, was a no brainer. Really content with my choices (freedom IS a good thing). REALLY proud of the peeps, not one over 2 hours. Nice job.

Spike be illin'. This has been goin' on for a couple-a days. Gotta give him props. He was home sick from school on Friday. Saturday I asked if he was still up for the trip to the meanwickeduglycity, he said yes. THAT'S the spirit. Unfortunately, I think it did him in. He was sick, has NO resistance (resistance comes from diet and exercise-closest he gets to those is the spelling thereof). We live, we learn.

***Just got an e mail, one of my students from 1979 (ouch!!!) Facebooked me. Though you just try to do your thing, you DO touch many lives don't'cha?

...she had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes...............

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