
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, January 23, 2015

Day 2048


I really should be grateful, due to It, I had a GREAT workout!!!

Bitch was RAGING, as It sat feeding carcinogens into Its hair (go blonde, cancer loves you!!!!!). It had colored Its hair, again ignoring the link between cancer and putting toxins on yourself (where do you think they end up??? There is a direct link between lymphoma and hair coloring, fucking moron. THIS, from the person who was treated for melanomas, yet sun worships.).

So, It was STILL raging about Stoney not having healthcare. Remember, he smokes @ least daily, take that $$$, he'd have great coverage. Nope, instead, get pissed @ me, who works and comes home. Ain't I a prick???

So, got my miles, did Spin. Did a touch and go @ Toxichouse, where the dining room table, living room, basement, bedroom, are ALL covered in Its CRAP! It was raging, went to the other gym to do weights, felt REALLY good!!!!!

...but I need counseling......

gonna go color my hair and smoke some weed.

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