
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 1767

Progress, part 2

Ok, did the 15k-without walk breaks. Good.

Didn't get Its tax info-of course. why should this year be different from any other? Fucking moron. So yes, hadda (again) reschedule the tax app't. This mental patient really cannot accomplish anything of any consequence. EVERY year getting Its tax info is a battle-insists on bogarting the mail, then can't find where It put it. Much easier to drag my name through the dirt and constantly take my inventory. It breezed in for less than an hour yesterday, asked a bunch of nuisance questions (did you see_______which was directly in front of Its face), interrupting my studying. Fuckin' ZERO class or discretion. Be nice to ummm......what's the word...BE SUPPORTIVE rather than intrusive.

Took another practice exam. did ok-it's a 3 hour test I did in an hour (library was closing). The first 2 I took (you need to submit 2 to complete the course) were 26 and 21-horrible, but I clicked on anything just to get them done-like a monkey @ a typewriter. Yesterday I actually tried, and got through 100 or 150 questions without hurrying. The last 50? I hadda fuck around due to time. Moral: there is hope.

Unfortunately, I did the chapter quizzed and bombed miserably-ouch.

Today, finish reading the book and study more. Gotta do this.

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