
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 1751

A nothing day?

WANTED to hit The Line. Was S'POSED to be in the 40's. BUT, in the am, still sub 30. Fuck that. Also, didn't leave until 8+, so, didn't even gym it. Went to pick up my # for The Half, then chilled for the rest of the day. My knees thank me but, I feel like I accomplished nothing.

Did the routine "between jobs" crap-a.k.a. cashing out my insurance. Felt like shit doing so-if anything happens to me, Stoney is F U C K E D. But, with the stirring motivation Shebitch gave yesterday, raging the day of Its departure for a retreat (THAT'S what JEEEESUS would do???), I frankly don't give a shit.

Thank GOD I was smart enough to NOT listen to It, a.k.a. kept putting aside $ just in case. If I'd listened to It, we'd be on the street.

Do I get any thanks? Rather, I get-literally-SCREAMED at. Fucking useless as a mother (Stoney has chips and frozen pizza while It takes care of Its spiritual needs), useless as a wife, useFUL as a victim. Really reinforces what I've known all along-I'm on my own.

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