
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 1763


Made it through the first day of class to take the insurance exam. Intense, alotta information. The instructor is very good, very honest, as in: "this is what you need to know for the test..." Also, hit the nail on the head when he said it's easier if you're younger. True 'dat. But the young'uns don't have what I do to lose-they lack lil things like a mortgage etc...

Hoping to do ok, I make it through this and I'll be ok.

*And no, you can't hide. Across the parking area in the office complex is a library. To effectively use my time, I cruised in to use the computers. Lo and behold, who sits @ the computer across from me? A running peep! George Devoe!!!!!!! How cool was it to-again-have a peep wherever I turn?

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