
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 1750

Did ok!

Was s'posed to be a light coating of snow, but nothing. Rather: back to bone chilling cold. No prob, did Spin + Pilates. Feel good. Knee achy, but manana is s'posed to be in the low 40's! Gotta love that! So, get my miles manana!

Today, interview for a gig @ 1pm. We'll see. Good to have hope. This unemployment SUCKS!

*Wasn't an interview at all. More like a cattle call. Best of all, when I get in, It tears me a new one!!!!! Really motivating me! It seems to think It has the right to kick the breadwinner in the balls. Enjoy your benefits while you have them, without me, nothing. Nice way to treat the gravy train. You REALLY should'a heard the spew that came from It. Best of all, tonight It leaves for a retreat! FROM WHAT???? Since 2002 It's been a professional victim.

Really makes a guy feel good don't it? Useless as a homemaker, wife, basic support. UseFUL as a total bitch.

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