
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 1760

Not bad

Did the 1/2 in Flushing Meadows. Ran 10 strong, the last 5k not so much, but did well. Knowing I hadda boogie asap after to make my dentist app't didn't hurt. Good motivation.

Bumped into a GLIRC peep @ the start, later around the 6m mark. He petered out, went out too fast and didn't have the stamina for a half. Hey, he was there, all that counts. Also, a nyrr peep who left them was there working the race, former volunteer coordinator. Made it a point to grab me and give a shout. Really nice to have unforeseen peeps!

Of course, I get back to Toxichouse, "did you have a run today?" Fucking clueless (this from the same person who-the day of The marathon, asked if I had plans for the day). It's groupies are more important than Its husband-yet-It points to their opinions whenever It needs to shirk responsibility, i.e. "my friends all say....."

Yet, do I have Its tax info? Of course not, It only had a FUCKING YEAR to get it, and has it lost in one of the 2 cars it has wrecked. This from the same person who got one car booted for unpaid tickets. After all this shit, It asks "what did I do last year?" Fucking shipwreck. Best of all, what It fails to realize, MY doing the taxes allows It to avoid paying on Its disability. Remember, It has ZERO taken out! What a FUCKING shipwreck. Later, It has the balls to tell me "check yourself."

So, what have we learned? Running, easy. everything else, not so much.

*And yes, that means in the span of 5 hours I ran a half marathon, had a tooth pulled, and went to get the taxes done.

Get a thank you? Nope. Rather "check yourself." And yes, It went to church (yay Jeeeeeeesus!).

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