
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 1591

Pure total bitch

WAS Saturdays-when BitchTwat used to go mental, now apparently it's Friday too (is THIS how one mentally decays? The psycho days increase?). I come in, first asked a lame question about a pan-that was the setup, then taxes? Oil? "give me $$$" "None of my friends....." Twat.

But wait, I have an answer. This year, get my solo taxes done. This way, if It wants a copy of the taxes, It can use Its own! PLUS, PAY YOUR OWN FUCKING TAXES. Remember, since we filed jointly last year, I paid for It!!!!! It has ZERO deductions from Its check. Loves to screw me.

Now let that sink in. It never said "I have paper to fill out for Keith's college." Rather "I need a copy of your taxes." Right. Then get them done yourself.

I guess that was Its way of thanking me for paying.

This from the person who sits in the backyard sunning (after surviving cancer, get SUN?????), in the midst of dogshit which you will never pick up, from a dog you never walk. But focus on what your psychotic brain told you I needed to give up.


All this for a healthy 18 year old who never worked, for whom a month and a half salary would pay tuition. Better to take him shopping on someone else's dime.


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