
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 2019

Don't havta shovel rain

WAS hoping to get a Christmas run in, but alas, rain.....oh well. Don't havta shovel rain.

Went to a meeting last night, 5 of us. It was actually nice.

I miss my mother, she made the days what they were. an uptight woman who never relaxed, but brought the family together. something my brothers will never admit. But at least I got my brothers.

Bitch always asking if I called Pedrito, my eventual response, "this is obviously YOUR need (my calling him)." It has zero control over Itself (see: Its debts, spending, daily habits, no verbal filter, no parenting whatsoever, no wifely functions, useless homesmaker), but insists on giving me the third degree on everything.

ho ho ho

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