
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 1956

The more things change...

In AA there's a saying, "went back to the bar, same asses on same stools..." this is true in life as well. Went to the library to copy my confirmation for The Big One, ran into Gilda and Glenda. Asked how the office was going, same stories, same shit. Miss the peeps, don't miss the bullshit. Going out daily to try try try, all too oftrn with zero net gain. No thanks.

This am, more rain, Good. Spin is there to rescue me. My only concern there: when the instructors tell me "haven't seen you in a while" (a kind comment, nice to be missed), my response is always "it's raining, otherwise I'd be running," or "you ever notice nobody changes here. No one's weight goes down?" Spin is great, IF you apply yourself. Few participants do. Most waste their time kidding themselves that they're actually doing anything constructive. They stay in their comfort zone.

And no, the piles of crap haven't moved.

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