
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 1794

A good tired.

One of the many things they taught in sales boot camp was something I'd been exposed to early on: don't hang around negativity. Hence, when it went off yesterday (on the way to a meeting, naturally-hey, "I had cancer and now you ALL must pay" THIS is what JEEEEESES would do????? ), I hung with the dog. I go away, after studying for weeks, no days off, then away for 2 MORE weeks. Then, last night, I havta work today-Saturday. The business world doesn't recognize weekends. There is progress to be achieved. Period.

In return: nothing. Not a kind word, no interest. Only Stoney pissed @ me. MAYBE if your mother didn't inhale hair coloring for Its almighty blond hair, MAYBE if It didn't bake endlessly in the sun (AFTER melanoma), MAYBE if It didn't eat SHIT for years, It wouldn't be in this state. No, easier to be a victim and villainize me.

Yay Jesus. he is risen. go teach about it while your house implodes.

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