
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 1453

VERY good!

Saw my time for the half: note, "SAW," not "looked up."

2:34. My last half was 2:44, before that 2:48. Better.

If I could only get my left leg to cooperate, I could eliminate walk breaks and do well, but hey, I AM happy with what I did.

Then yesterday, a 5k along the west side highway. A Curtis NYPD run, translation: lotta food. stashed 6 foot hero, bagels and apples. Food for 2-3 days. Sucks living this way, but got good return on my investment. Plus, saw my peeps. Curtis is truly a gentleman. Also, strangely, a peep from NYRR. Always said hi, he was there as a course marshall. told me he was "parolled," been with NYRR 28 years (wow) and moved on. Yet there he was, a non nyrr event. it's in his blood. Bless him.

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