
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 1443


This'll take some getting used to. Was taking Fridays off to burn up "use 'em or lose 'em" hours," but my anniv was May 3 (yay!!!), so I'm back to a 5 day work week.

Not usually a bad thing, but Bitch is out overnight (quiet evening, YESSS!!!), so I would'a had a good am to sleep in, but alas...

What slays me: It has no clue how disruptive this is. A teenager unfettered? Which is why I stayed in yesterday evening, otherwise, unattended minor.

So, lacin' 'em' up, get my 6.5 in this am. No rain, cool crisp am. Nice!

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