
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It's a Miracle!

Neil concert: WOW! Last row, all the way up. @ first I was scared-heights, but soon acclimated. 2 opening acts-yes, WAS tempted to leave. REALLY glad I didn't. Made fast peeps with the guys on my left, they were die hard Neil peeps too-we were @ Carnegie Hall together etc...

HELLUVA concert. Neil had me in tears due to some of the songs reminding me of when Dana was Dana. HELLUVA setlist-with his catalog, he can do that.

Got home, Stoney began interrogating me. I set him straight re: I can do whatever the fuck I want with the house-he was objecting to my removing Bitch's crap-but what was the watershed moment. He was instigating, I responded with facts. We actually had a GREAT conversation, the kind that needed to happen. I cried, he lost the anger. He-again-was my son.


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