
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 2213

No, I can't believe it either.

Peeps (you know them as Make Believe Friends) are incredulous. Not one can believe Stoney has zero boundaries, i.e. HE indicates none of Bitch's things should be touched. They can't believe he has the balls to think he has a say. Hey, when you've been raised with no boundaries, this happens. They LOVE his friends crashing on the couch overnight. Yes, we have crash house.

He IS a GREAT person, unfortunately, Bitch fucked his head. A lot easier than parenting isn't it.

If It loved him, It would've set rules, easier to be a victim isn't it. Then again, suicide IS easier than taking charge of your responsibilities-i.e.It could've declared bankruptcy, It could've sent nominal payments. BUT, easier to escape. Good sobriety. (THIS is what Jeeeeeeeeeeezus would do???).

One peeps said it best: "all that therapy worked didn't it?"

Got my miles, hung with my peeps, enjoyed another GORGEOUS day! Nice.

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