
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 1643


Came in last eve, notes everywhere: "don't touch the electric heaters, buy oil..."

Showed the guys @ work Stoney's notes, they can't believe 1)he's still alive   2)Sybil allowed it. They were incredulous. THIS IS the shit I live with.

A useless person who neither contributes to the daily housework, nor contributes to the bills-yet demands $$$. A son who hates me and thinks HE actually has a say in the way the house works. Lovely.

Woke up this am, fuses blown, even the electric heaters don't work. Good. fuck 'em both.

He works, pay rent. Does HE even lift a finger (I want a doggy???) nope. All on me.

Hope they enjoy my family for thanksgiving.

And remember, It celebrated Its AA anniversary (THIS is sober living???) multiple times. Pathetic. When you don't have a life, 55 with multiple failed careers, useless as a wife, useless as a mother, useless as a parent........

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