
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 1509


Stoney had asked for closet space. Problem is: with them using the den as Grand Central, tough to store my stuff there without dog hair getting on it, so the plan WAS: pay down the credit cards, then have my guy build a closet. Note: WAS the plan. I come in yesterday, my clothes are on the bed. He'd removed them.

I will never, ever give him anything. He is 18, he respects nothing, and I apparently have no rights in my home. Fuck this.

Remember when the plan WAS to seal the door in the den, God forbid the two walk the dog THEY wanted. Better to let him into the yard to shit, which neither EVER picks up.

Hurts. Hurts a lot.

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