
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 1501


So, between a burned out, should'a retired staffperson making me dread tomorrow, and Stoney smoking daily, yes, did the hedges.

Did the Sayville 4m, then home to do the hedges, hadda. When they're overgrown to the point of hitting the front windows...and of course, Stoney didn't lift a finger.

BUT, when I got in last night, another bike was in the den. ????? Of course he has $$$ to smoke, but did he get off his ass to get the flat on his bike fixed? Nope, took his mother's bike. Amazing.

And It? Takes the useless one to the movies. Let's reward this behavior?

And of course, the shit gets put in my den. Could you be more psycho?

Good news? Got a text from Rob about the Ducks game. Couldn't make it Friday, BUT, @ THAT game, he spun a prize wheel, won 2 tickets. Had a fun evening hangin' with him!

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