
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 1499

Happy 4th?

So, did the Oakdale 5k, numerous walk breaks, too fuckin' humid. Felt like you needed a snorkel to breathe. Unfortunately, when I got back, It was still there. Hadda resort to retail therapy-no biggie, the thrifts had 50% off-made a killing (which is why I LOVE when the TWAT steals my stuff, go ahead, I'll buy more). Finally It was gone. I walk in, Stoney's there! His tummy ached (between that and the persistent cough, needs more glaucoma meds.

So, It ditched us to hang with Its friends. Now THERE'S a first! Best of all, It spent the night! Imagine. If YOU were a peep, wouldn't you have asked "ahem.....might wanna spend time with YOUR family???" No, selfish CUNT. All this while dragging my name through the mud. Good victim isn't It? But will trounce in with the "I love you Hulk" and "Love you Keith" bullshit. Right. Faith without works is what?????

Meanwhile, who did the lawn and cleaned the dogshit AND kept Hulk company as he freaked out? And who ditched everyone to be with friends?

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...