
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 2145

THAT explains it!

2 cars in the driveway, the one Bitch drives, and the one It got for Stoney-aka the OTHER car Bitch drives. The issue: both broken. One needs brakes, the other power steering not functioning. Think Bitch is a mess? This comes after It telling me It has a mole in my AA meeting-so much for "what you hear here...."

Bitch had a court date re: tix, chose not to go as It lacks the $ to pay.

...but I need counseling.......

Bitch is the living definition of "shipwreck."

THEN, tries convincing me Stoney has obligations. He makes $466 every 2 weeks, yet It TRIED telling me he pays for books, when we ALL know they hit on Pedrito to finance his books. Make THAT make sense.

So you wonder why Bitch rages @ me? The one being in that Toxichouse whose shit is together.

(you mean you CAN'T spend however you want on whatever you want, and STILL maintain your obligations?????????????? Bitch NEVER had a budget, never TRIED to live on a budget, yet is STILL deeeep in debt).

...but I need counseling......................

Tonight, I celebrate 30 years. NOT 30 years of drinking coffee to process Avon orders, then using sleeping pills to rest. Rather, 30 years without any substance.

THAT is sobriety. NOT avoiding court because my finances are a shipwreck.

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