
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 2121

It is risen?

Had a really good Easter. did the 5k, didn't walk/reconnected w/peeps. Nice. Went to work, profited from the day, still in the black, good. Got in, Bitch was behaved good. Then, THEN...

BITCH strikes!

How someone can be such a religion nut (tells you something doesn't it), so "full" of Christ and other crap, yet, wakes up angry????? After Easter?????

I came in last night, shit all over the bedroom, to the extent that you hadda CAREFULLY plant your foot. Fucking pig. It was too bust buying (got debt??????????????) plants and gifts, It had a friends birthday the day before (like It has disposable income???), then hadda buy Easter plants.

So, of course, It hadda strew shit all over the bedroom.

He is risen. Yay.

Fucking Bitch. Really full of the love of Christ.

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