
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 1586

Didn't suck

Remember the Bronx 1/2 years ago, back in the "chip" days? Got so frustrated finding parking I gave my chip to a runner to return and drove back to AP to get a run in, totally ditched the race? Things have improved. Unfortunately, no longer a half. Also unfortunately, no more medals. BUT, parking is easy. They opened the Stadium garages ($$$) AND, since they changed the start location, I always found street parking. A sign.

A sign of what? Things to come.

I did very well. Actually broke 10 minutes. See what happens when you run daily??? Persistence paid off. No walk breaks-a miracle unto itself, and the training paid.

Also, 2 bananas before the race. My new thing.

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