
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 1584


Helluva week, really busy, but felt good. Nice to have purpose.

Since long ago, always had in my mind A Plan. Started with the state @ entry level, worked my way up. Ate alotta crow, but knew dues hadda be paid. Now I'm boss. I try to avoid the pitfalls of my role models, and have been successful, so far. Hurts, though, when you havta discipline a former peep, but it comes with the job. and truth be told, was never really a peep, but a groupie. Comes with the turf.

Tonight was s'posed to go to a concert with a bud, but we had a falling out (I actually had the balls to go to a concert without them, can you imagine???). Nice to have my freedom back, now I'll be able to properly rest for manana's 10m.

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