
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Told You So

(but that doesn't make it hurt less)

This am, a MIRACLE!!!

Stoney stated he was going to work @ 9am, so I worked out, reentered Drughouse @ 9:30, he's there. WTF? He walked out of his gig. Problem with the boss.

Target? Miscommunication/confusion re: days off, translation: he no called, no showed too often.

Wendy's? The boss is an asshole...conflict.....

Gonna be one skinny kid.

He asked if I could put in a good word, of course I said I could. But that doesn't address the problem.

Took the opportunity to call a spade a spade: asked him to speak with the junkie in the living room re: when he was leaving.

Stoney asked to borrow my computer to send apply online to jobs, let that sink in. Who violated my privacy by displaying screenshots to Bitch? NOW he needs my computer? I told him I didn't trust him, that he had to earn it, and that he needed to stay the FUCK outta my room as a start.

Also, took the opportunity to use the teachable moment, asking: "all that $$$ you spent on x-box, then ps 4, then x box games. Any regrets?"

Remember when I told Psychobitch he needed to bank some coin.

What does he have to show for it now?

A nicotine/marijuana habit.

2 cars in the driveway that haven't moved in a year.

"Friends" who mislead him.

Knew it would come to this.

Just       like      mommy.

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