
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day?

This am, not a card, nothing. He asked if I could get him something as he was throwing up. My response: not even a "happy father's day? Not even a card?" His answer: I don't have any $. Ok, smoke some more weed asshole. Didn't go to work because his boss.........so no $. All of a sudden realizes he needs $$$ ?????????????? Claims he might have to go to the hospital, good. I'll have a peaceful night. (sounds like his mommy doesn't it? Hospital answers all ills???) Does he have insurance????????? Hospital for a tummy ache?

Lets see, no weed? No cigs? No drugs? Tummy ache????? Some call it withdrawl.
got rehab?

Yet he's now upstairs, dick deep in his ex.


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